The Tay Lab conducts applied research to develop integrated pest management programs to control pest populations of medically important insects and of insects adapted to the urban environment. Our lab uses laboratory and field studies to discover how to exploit the behaviors of urban insects, such as sugar feeding behaviors of ants, to develop novel strategies that improve management and protect the environment. Click Research to learn about our current or specific research projects.

University of Hawaii students won first place in Ento Games at Pacific Branch ESA 2024, team members include Joel Johnson from Tay Lab!
April 3, 2023, Seattle, WA: The UH Ento team took 1st place at the Pacific Branch ESA’s Entomology Games!
Adam Lawrence (Tay Lab), Juliana, Michelle, and Maisha are the winners, read more here:
https://cms.ctahr.hawaii. edu/NewsLetter/ArtMID/52574/ ArticleID/2697/Another-Title
Our proposal “Integrating Insecticidal Baits-Biocontrol Agents as a Novel and Sustainable Invasive Ant Management Tool” was awarded $453K from USDA NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to work on big-headed ant research through nationwide competitve grant process:
2023: Journal of Medical Entomology, Vol. 60, Issue 1. The Highlights of Urban Entomology 2021: Chemical, Nonchemical, and Alternative Approaches to Urban Pest Management as We Adapt, Advance, Transform is published:
Tay, Gharbi, and Kirsch attending ESA annual meeting in Denver. Follow on Twitter: @TayUrbanEntoLab
Dr. Tay is invited to give a Highlight in Urban Entomology talk at the ESA MUVE section in Nov 2021 in Denver! Posted May 2021.
Welcome J. Adam Lawrence (new Masters student) and Juliana Salehi (undergraduate research assistant) to the lab!
Our grant proposals to Western IPM Center, and Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, and USDA-ARS have been accepted! Posted February 2021.
New Faces: New Assistant Professor Urban Pest Management, PEPS, CTAHR, University of Hawaii. Links: UH CTAHR – Youtube

Tay was invited to give a Highlights in urban entomology presentation for the year 2021 and awarded an honorarium at ESA in Denver. It is an honor to be invited as a speaker to summarize research and events in our field this year. MUVE ESA live tweeted a few of my presentation slides with take-home messages:

NATIONAL CHAMPION! Congrats to Kirsch and Gharbi from Tay lab, Au from Wright lab, and Choi from Cheng lab on winning the first place in the national Entomology Games! Cameraman (reflection on glass): Dr. Tay and coach Dr. Wright.
Help support the research & extension programs of the UH Urban & Medical Entomology Lab which provide new insights on our war with insects that spread diseases and urban pests that affect everyone. Your donations will support our research endeavors to develop new and environmentally friendly methods to manage urban and medical pests.